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财团介绍 About us 21世紀是文化的時代,是主導文化的國家將主導世界的时代。

致辞 Greeting

지오국제문화재단 이사장 박병일
Welcome to G. O International Foundation for Arts&Culture.


而且,随着经济水平的提升和对高生活质量的期待,人们想要拥有文化生活的欲望也大幅增加,希望通过文化让自己的生活变得更加丰富多彩。 G. O国际文化财团为人类的幸福和社会的繁富而设立,致力于引导文化艺术发展,为人类社会输送人才,为国际间文化艺术交流做贡献。 G.O国际文化财团将以文化和艺术为中心,与大家一起开创幸福和充满活力的未来。 在此,向秉持文化艺术活力和创造力源泉的信念、从物质和精神层面鼎力相助的G.O集团会长崔一基先生表示衷心的感谢。也祝各位前途无限、幸福美满!


In the 21st century, the state that leads the culture will lead the world. In other words, culture and arts are products that become an essential factor in national competitiveness.
From this moment forth, we need to establish a proper understanding and thinking about culture. After we should exert ourselves growing into a country that can lead culture and arts.
At present, South Korea centers on all national resources and policies in the Seoul metropolitan area,Even the implementation and activation of culture and art.
In order for us to be reborn as a true cultural nation, we need to narrow the cultural gap between the Seoul metropolitan area and other regions, enhance the cultural vitality of the regions.

Also, with the improvement of economic standards and expectations for high living quality, people hope to make their lives more full and vary from the perspective of culturally way. G. O international Foundation for Arts&Culture was established for the happiness of mankind and prosperity of society. We are committed to contributing the promotion of culture and arts, providing talents for human society, contributing to international cultural and artistic exchanges.
G. O international Foundation for Arts&Culture will focus on culture and art. Let us join hands and jointly create a better future.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Chairman Choi Il-ji of the G.O Group, who has given support both materially and mentally with the belief that culture and arts are a source of vitality and creativity. At last, best wishes for all of you.

Thank you.
G.O International Foundation for Arts&Culture Chairman Park Byeong-il G.O国际文化财团 理事長 朴炳日 박병일 사인